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Investor Agreement Malaysia

Investor Agreement Malaysia: Everything You Need to Know

An investor agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions between investors and the company they are investing in. The agreement protects investors` interests while ensuring the company receives the necessary funds to grow and achieve its goals. In Malaysia, investor agreements are governed by the Malaysian Code on Takeovers and Mergers 2016. This article will explore everything you need to know about investor agreements in Malaysia.

Types of Investor Agreements

In Malaysia, there are two types of investor agreements: shareholders` agreement and subscription agreement.

A shareholders` agreement is a contract between shareholders of a company that governs the relationship between them. It covers issues such as the transfer of shares, the appointment of directors, and the distribution of profits. A shareholders` agreement is essential for startups and small businesses as it helps to avoid disputes between shareholders and provides a framework for decision-making.

A subscription agreement is a contract between an investor and a company that outlines the terms and conditions for subscribing to shares. The agreement covers the number of shares, the price per share, and any warranties or representations given by the company. A subscription agreement is necessary when a company is raising funds through private placements.

Key Clauses in Investor Agreements

An investor agreement should cover the following key clauses:

1. Shareholding Structure: The agreement should specify the percentage of shares held by each shareholder and the terms of their ownership.

2. Board Composition: The agreement should outline the appointment and removal of directors, the number of directors, and the voting rights of the directors.

3. Transfer of Shares: The agreement should include provisions for the transfer of shares between shareholders and restrictions on the transfer of shares to third-party entities.

4. Dividend Distribution: The agreement should specify the dividend distribution policy and the rights of the shareholders to receive dividends.

5. Decision Making: The agreement should include provisions for decision-making, such as the process for approving major decisions, such as mergers and acquisitions.

6. Termination: The agreement should detail the circumstances in which the agreement can be terminated and the process for termination.

Benefits of Investor Agreements

Investor agreements offer several benefits to both investors and companies. These benefits include:

1. Protection of Investor Interests: Investor agreements protect the interests of the investors and ensure that they receive a fair return on their investment.

2. Clarity on Decision-Making: Investor agreements provide clarity on decision-making and help to avoid disputes between shareholders.

3. Protection of Company Interests: Investor agreements help to protect the interests of the company and ensure that the company is not unduly influenced by a single shareholder.

4. Flexibility in Operations: Investor agreements allow for flexibility in operations and help companies to respond to changing market conditions.


Investor agreements are an essential part of the investment process in Malaysia. They provide protection to investors, clarity on decision-making, and flexibility in operations. As a copy editor, it is essential to ensure that investor agreements are clear, concise, and legally compliant. By doing so, you can help to protect the interests of both investors and companies.