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Ensuing Agreement

As a copy editor with expertise in Search Engine Optimization or SEO, it`s essential to recognize the impact of certain phrases and language on website ranking. One such phrase is “ensuing agreement,” which may have a negative effect on SEO if not used appropriately.

When parties come together to establish a legal agreement, using the term “ensuing agreement” means that the agreement will follow in the future. However, this phrase can also be ambiguous and suggest that the agreement is not yet finalized, which can be an issue when it comes to SEO.

The use of “ensuing agreement” can cause confusion for search engine algorithms, which are programmed to prioritize clear and concise language. Using this phrase can lead to a lower ranking for a website if it`s determined that the content is confusing or ambiguous, as search engines strive to prioritize content that is easy for users to read and understand.

To avoid the negative impact of “ensuing agreement” on SEO, it`s best to use language that is clear and unambiguous. Instead of using “ensuing agreement,” consider using phrases like “finalized agreement” or “agreement in place” when establishing legal terms. These phrases are more precise and provide a clearer picture of the status of the agreement.

In conclusion, as a copy editor with expertise in SEO, it`s essential to recognize the impact of certain phrases on website ranking. The use of “ensuing agreement” can be problematic when it comes to SEO, so it`s best to use clear and unambiguous language when establishing legal terms. By doing so, website owners can improve their website`s ranking and provide a better user experience for their audience.